Devin leads the Developer Security Tools group at Apple, where he manages teams focused on security-...(read more)
He/Him or They/Them
Alex has been involved with LLVM since 2012, initially working on downstream adaptations of Clang, P...(read more)
Qualcomm Technologies International
Javed is Principal Engineer at Qualcomm Technologies International (U.K) working on ML compiler deve...(read more)

Marc is a compiler engineer at SAP Germany. He works on accelerating SQL queries on the SAP HANA in-...(read more)

Max is CTO & Co-Founder of RooflineAI. The company is dedicated to make AI on the edge simple and fl...(read more)
He/Him or They/Them
University of Cambridge
Siddharth Bhat is a PhD student at the University of Cambridge who works on algorithms and decision ...(read more)

I am an Engineer on the Programming Languages & Runtimes team at Meta. I am currently working on LLV...(read more)

Software engineer at AMD. Working on MLIR, python DSLs and high performance GPU kernels.

Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
Computer Science Engineering Student from India. Working with compiler-research on incremental C++ c...(read more)
She/Her or They/Them
Weiwei Chen is a compiler engineer at Modular, focusing on compilation model and building the best b...(read more)
Compiler front-end enjoyer working on RubyMine
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)
Johannes is a computer scientist in the Center for Applied Scientific Computing at Lawrence Livermor...(read more)
Technical University of Munich
Alexis Engelke is a post-doctoral researcher at the Chair of Data Science and Engineering at Technic...(read more)
Consultant / Contractor
As a long-term LLVM contributor, Stefan helps small and medium sized companies to build and maintain...(read more)

Gábor Horváth has been an active contributor to the LLVM project for over a decade, focusing primari...(read more)

Dmytro is a technical lead for Rust at Google, focusing on memory safety, C++/Rust interoperability,...(read more)

National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
Hung-Ming is a PhD student in the Department of Computer Science, National Tsing-Hua University, Tai...(read more)

Compiler engineer at Arm. Working with LLVM for the past ten years. Lately focused on perfromance an...(read more)
An engineer on the compilers team at Igalia, currently working on improving vectorization and perfor...(read more)

National Tsing-Hua University, Taiwan
Jenq-Kuen Lee received the B.S. degree in computer science from National Taiwan University in 1984. ...(read more)
I am a Software Engineer at Meta on the Programming Languages & Runtimes team where I work on optimi...(read more)

Vyacheslav Levytskyy just can't help choosing between distributed software systems and compiler cons...(read more)

Christopher McGirr is the lead software engineer at RooflineAI, a startup dedicated to making AI on ...(read more)

Guray Ozen is compiler engineer at NVIDIA. His current work centers on optimizing compilers and prog...(read more)
Michal Paszkowski is a Compiler Engineer at Intel, working on the LLVM-based Intel Graphics Compiler...(read more)
Red Hat
Nikita Popov is the lead maintainer of the LLVM subproject, and works primarily on IR design and the...(read more)

Ram has recently become a more active contributor, and primarily works on the middle-end. Recent wor...(read more)

NVIDIA Corporation
Durga is a Software Engineer at NVIDIA working on CUDA Compilers. He is currently contributing fea...(read more)

Heidelberg University
Lukas is a former compiler engineer at SAP Germany, where he worked on optimizing query latencies in...(read more)

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)
Kevin is a postdoctoral researcher in the Center for Applied Scientific Computing at Lawrence Liverm...(read more)

Yashwant is a compiler engineer at NVIDIA’s CPU compiler team and an active contributor to the LLVM ...(read more)

Pradeep is a Senior System Software Engineer at NVIDIA, working on the NVPTX backend and the NVVM Di...(read more)

Plovdiv University Paisii Hilendarski
Martin Vassilev has research interest in the area of the compiler construction and analysis of compl...(read more)
Matt is currently an engineer at AMD, and has been an active LLVM contributor since 2013. His cont...(read more)
Kunwar Grover is a Compiler Engineer at AMD, where he works on IREE, an MLIR-based end-to-end compil...(read more)

Patryk Stefanski is a Software Engineeer at Apple working on compilers, focusing on -fbounds-safety ...(read more)

Mahesh Ravishankar is currently a Senior Manager at AMD, where he is one of the core members of the ...(read more)

Patryk Stefanski is a Software Engineeer at Apple working on compilers, focusing on -fbounds-safety ...(read more)
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Yifei He is a Ph.D. student at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, under the supervision of Professor...(read more)

TU Wien
Benedikt is a PhD Student at TU Wien. He works in the OpenVADL research project and is responsible f...(read more)

TU Darmstadt
Sebastian is a PhD candidate at the Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany. His research revolve...(read more)

University of Texas at Austin
Isaac Nudelman is a 4th-year undergraduate at the University of Texas at Austin with a focus on comp...(read more)

TU Vienna
Kevin is a MSc Student at TU Wien and is responsible for the compiler generator in the OpenVADL rese...(read more)

University of Edinburgh
Kim Worrall is a PhD student at the University of Edinburgh, working on quantum programming language...(read more)

LLVM Compiler Engineer @ Mobileye

Jeremy Bennett is Chief of Executive of Embecosm, a specialist open source consultancy, best known f...(read more)
Alex Bradbury is a compiler engineer at Igalia. He has been heavily involved in the RISC-V ecosystem...(read more)

I am an experienced software and algorithm engineer. Currently, I work as an Algorithm Engineer at M...(read more)
Intel Labs
AI Software Research Lead at Intel Labs
UC Davis
Aiden Grossman is currently an undergraduate at UC Davis. He is currently working on infrastructure ...(read more)

Michael Kruse has studied Computer Sciences in Paderborn and received his PhD at the Université Pari...(read more)
Software engineer at Google. Has been working on LLDB since 2014.

Fujitsu Limited
Yusuke Minato is a compiler engineer at Fujitsu and has been working on Flang's optimization since 2...(read more)
Lucile is a Software Engineer at Google working on the Compilers, Runtimes, and Toolchains team, and...(read more)
University of Edinburgh
Arjun Pitchanathan is a PhD student at the University of Edinburgh, currently a visiting student at ...(read more)

Mariya is a compiler engineer at Intel working on clang frontend. Mariya was involved in SYCL fronte...(read more)
Arm / Linaro
David Spickett is a software engineer at Arm working on behalf of Linaro on the LLVM project. Primar...(read more)
Matthias is a software engineer at NVIDIA Switzerland. He has been contributing to MLIR and other ML...(read more)

Elvina Yakubova is a CPU compiler engineer at NVIDIA.

Long Cheng is a principal engineer(research) in Compiler Lab. at 2012 Labs of Huawei Company. He is ...(read more)
Jonas manages a team working on LLDB at Apple.
Sony Interactive Entertainment
Carlos is a software engineer working in the compiler team. He has worked on the Sony PlayStation co...(read more)

Piotr decided to become a programmer when he was 11 years old and already knew the 6502 assembly lan...(read more)

University of Cambridge
Ivan is a PhD student from the University of Cambridge supervised by Tobias Grosser, researching the...(read more)

Artem Pianykh is a software engineer at Meta working on developer infrastructure and tooling. He foc...(read more)

University of Edinburgh
Alex is a post-doctoral researcher in the quantum software lab in the University of Edinburgh. He wo...(read more)

HTEC d.o.o.
Djordje is a compiler engineer who has been working with LLVM since 2016. Over the years, he’s made ...(read more)

National Tsing-Hua University
Kathryn Chapman is currently a first-year PhD student working under the direction of Prof. Jenq-Kuen...(read more)

Florent de Dinechin is a professor at INSA-Lyon, where he teaches computer architecture and compiler...(read more)

King's College London
Edward is a second year PhD student at King's College London, supervised by Professor David Moxey. H...(read more)

Luc Forget received his engineering degree and his PhD from INSA-Lyon, France. He has worked in Fra...(read more)

TU Darmstadt
Alexander Hück studied Computational Engineering at Technische Universität Darmstadt with a focus on...(read more)

Louis Ledoux is a Postdoctoral Researcher at INSA Lyon, focusing on integrating arithmetic optimizat...(read more)

National Tsing-Hua University
Fu-Jian Shen is a graduate student in the Department of Computer Science, National Tsing-Hua Univers...(read more)