Lightning Talks
Session Type
Lightning Talks
Date & Time
Wednesday, October 23, 2024, 2:45 PM - 3:15 PM
Talk Order

1) Using llvm-libc in LLVM Embedded Toolchain for Arm - Peter Smith

2) "Hey, do you want a RISC-V debugger?" - Enabling RISC-V support in LLDB - Ted Woodward

3) MD5 Checksums in LLDB - Jonas Devlieghere

4) Experiments with two-phase expression evaluation for a better debugging experience - Ilya Kuklin

5) Flang Update - Steve Scalpone


1) Using llvm-libc in LLVM Embedded Toolchain for Arm - Peter Smith
Using llvm-libc in LLVM Embedded Toolchain for Arm Arm have recently added support for LLVM's libc to the LLVM Embedded Toolchain for Arm as an overlay package. This presentation will cover: * How to build the toolchain with llvm-libc libraries. * How to use the llvm-libc libraries with the toolchain. * What works with llvm-libc and what doesn't. * A comparison of llvm-libc with the embedded toolchains' picolibc. The LLVM Embedded Toolchain for Arm is one of the easiest ways to try out llvm-libc for embedded projects. We would like to encourage people to try out llvm-libc to gather feedback for its future development.

2) "Hey, do you want a RISC-V debugger?" - Enabling RISC-V support in LLDB - Ted Woodward
"Hey, do you want a RISC-V debugger?" That question started my odyssey that lead to a working upstream LLDB for RISC-V. This talk will discuss that journey.

3) MD5 Checksums in LLDB - Jonas Devlieghere
Support for DWARF MD5 checksums in LLDB.

4) Experiments with two-phase expression evaluation for a better debugging experience - Ilya Kuklin
LLDB can spend a substantial amount of time on evaluating expressions during debugging. This is an issue with debugging large real-world applications. We experimented with the idea of having a limited but fast way of evaluating expressions with the ability to fall back to the current LLDB. For this purpose, we revamped a project called `lldb-eval` and integrated it into LLDB. Our experiments with this approach on large real-world applications showed that most expressions are simple enough and could be evaluated much faster making debugging experience noticeably smoother.

5) Flang Update - Steve Scalpone
Flang is an LLVM subproject which is a ground-up implementation of a Fortran front end written in modern C++. Flang uses MLIR as in intermediate language and implements OpenMP for CPUs and GPUs. This lightning talk touches on current development efforts, testing coverage, feature status, and performance.

Location Name
Grand Ballroom