LLVM Supply Chain Security: From developer’s desk to user’s device.
Session Type
Date & Time
Wednesday, October 23, 2024, 2:15 PM - 3:15 PM
Compilers are often the last line of defense in securing against dangerous exploits. Compiler features like “Stack Protector”, “Safe Stack” , and “Stack Clash Protection” can help protect code from common programmer mistakes and thwart malicious actors trying to take advantage of buggy code. However, even the most sophisticated protection can be rendered useless if the compiler itself can’t be delivered safely to its users. In this talk we take a look at LLVM’s approach to supply chain security. How we get code from a developer’s desk safely into the hands of users. We’ll look at our release process, our access policies, and our project infrastructure to see how we are approaching supply chain security and what we can do to make it better.
Location Name
Hall of Cities