Advancing SPIR-V Backend Stability: Navigating GlobalISel Compromises
Session Type
Technical Talk
Date & Time
Wednesday, October 23, 2024, 1:15 PM - 1:45 PM
This presentation outlines the recent advancements and ongoing challenges in the development of the SPIR-V backend, which has become a crucial component for supporting OpenCL, SYCL/DPC++, and soon Vulkan inside LLVM. The talk highlights the inherent complexities of generating SPIR-V, a higher-level representation compared to LLVM IR, through conventional GlobalISel translation schema. Key issues such as the translation of opaque pointers, pointer and builtin type inference, and the integration of new SPIR-V extensions are discussed. The session will cover strategies for ensuring backward compatibility with older LLVM IR, maintaining [g]MIR correctness across passes, and verifying SPIR-V binaries through GitHub actions using existing LIT tests and external tools. Plans to further integrate SPIR-V into LLVM with a new frontend are also presented.
Location Name
Hall of Cities