New llvm-exegesis Support for RISC-V Vector Extension
Session Type
Technical Talk
Date & Time
Wednesday, October 23, 2024, 1:15 PM - 1:45 PM
llvm-exegesis has been instrumental in calibrating LLVM's scheduling models using hardware-collected metrics, such as instruction latency. In this talk, we'll unveil the first-ever llvm-exegesis support for RISC-V vector (RVV) instructions. We'll explore the challenges of scaling llvm-exegesis to accommodate the extensive range of RVV opcodes and configurations, and how we've significantly enhanced its efficiency for use in pre-silicon hardware development environments like FPGA. Our work not only advances RISC-V but also benefits the broader LLVM community by improving the quality of scheduling models with llvm-exegesis.
Location Name
Grand Ballroom