Pass Plugins: Past, Present and Future
Session Type
Technical Talk
Date & Time
Tuesday, April 15, 2025, 4:15 PM - 4:45 PM

LLVM has been driving the diversification of compiler-based tools successfully for many years. And we still keep implementing everything in the monorepo upstream. This pulls more and more domain-specific features into general purpose toolchains. The advent of the RealtimeSanitizer in Clang 20 illustrates this very well. Pass plugins allow 3rd-party additions in both, LLVM and MLIR already without further bloat in our codebase. But so far their capabilities are limited. This talk will give an overview of the history and present state of pass plugins. Based on that it proposes an initial set of changes that would allow domain-specific extensions to utilize the plugin interface for sanitizer-like tasks. It's meant as a kick-off to bring interested parties to a round table and discuss how a version 2 of the plugin interface could look like.

Location Name
Pavilion Room