Session Type
Technical Talk
Date & Time
Wednesday, May 11, 2022, 4:00 PM - 4:30 PM
ez-clang C++ REPL for bare metal embedded devices
ez-clang is an experimental Clang-based cross-compiler with a remote-JIT backend targeting very low-resource embedded devices. Compilation, linking and memory management all run on the host machine. Thus, the RPC endpoint on the device is very simple and only takes few kilobytes of flash memory. Right now, ez-clang supports 32-bit ARMv7-m Cortex devices (i.e. Arduino Due and QEMU LM3S811). Please find public previews on I want to give a live demo of the current development state, an overview of the compiler pipeline based on an example and present the firmware ABI. A binary distribution of ez-clang, sources for two reference firmwares and the RPC interface documentation will be published on Give it a try and hack with it on your own hardware! I am looking forward to discuss details from all technical layers and hear your opinions about upcoming development goals!
Location Name
Ballroom 1